No When, No Wants, No Worries

Stumbled across this while being bored in my photoshop class, I found this really cool.
"Q. What is the meaning of "no when, no want , no worry"?
A. I was watching 60 Minutes
and they were visiting
a tribe of gypsies
who live in the
Andaman Sea in
Southeast Asia.

They are called
The Moken
and they spend 70% of their time
on the ocean.

They all survived the tsunami.

They saw it coming cuz
they are super in touch
with the ocean.

The interviewer asked
one of them how old he was.
He didn't know.

He asked why none of the gypsies
knew their ages.
The interpreter said it's cuz
when you live on the water
all day
time does not exist.
There is only now.
The moken don't have
a word for "when".

They also don't have
a word for "want".

They either *have* or *need*.
but they don't know what it is to 'want'.

No when. No want.... No.... ?

That's right.
No word for "worry".

No when.
No want.
No worry. "



  1. i love that.
    this just came to me, but it reminds me of the old testament prophets. god was their ocean.

    we have a lot to learn from these people.
    i mean, look at us. we want and worry all of the time.

    thanks for sharing this.

  2. i thought you would

    it definitely put me in a cool mind set when i was reading this.

    maybe not to learn, but to remember what we could be like, because this is how we lived when we were first born.

  3. i love that as well. our society should really learn from these people sometimes it takes an extreme to open our eyes.
