Tragic Turn of Events / Move Pen Move

I discovered this song last night, I've been listening to it all day, on and off. I've just kept on coming back to it, the words pull my soul in. There is so much meaning behind these words I just can't even begin to describe. It's just so raw, it's beautiful.

It's 9 minutes, but just listen to the lyrics.


Road Regrets


I prayed for my first stranger today

A girl came on the bus in tears. I couldn't do anything to help her, another girl came to see if she was alright.
I was powerless, so I prayed for this stranger.

Remember this:
Your heart will recover, it will never be the same again, but it will recover.
May you see that whatever you are feeling, it's ok.
God is sitting shiva with you, always.

Thanks Rob Bell
(I bought Love Wins today, super stoked to read it)