
Well in the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get a blog post done, as you can plainly see, it hasn't been finished. I don't know, maybe once school starts again, I'll start blogging. There's just too much to write about I guess. I'm sorry for the let down.

I'd rather explain my life, struggles, and issues at the moment over some tim's, wouldn't you?

So go ahead and ask me, I'll make some plans with you friendly people.
(If you're out of the city, we can plan a skype date, ok?)


Video work to come.

I'm planning to do some video work during the rest of the summer. Now that my 365 is wrapping up, I'll need to put my time into something else creative. Now that I have some 'L' glass, that also helps too. Going to Sylvan Lake on sunday and I plan on shooting quite alot there, well mostly on the way up. I'm excited as I haven't really shot video for video's sake, well, like ever.