So basically used all the 13x19 photo paper in my house, the glossy stuff that is. Did around 15+ prints today on 13x19, and did 17 5x7's. I ran out of glossy (ya finished off 3 boxes, not totally excited to tell my dad how much paper I used) with only 1 print left to do, so I went over to go pick something new out of our Fine Art paper. Yah that was a bad idea, I tried this Epson Vellum Fine Art Paper. Rich black's were no where in sight, now I remember why I don't use this stuff. All I can say is 'Yay for stock printer profiles and color calibrated monitors!' Didn't have to do an ounce of color correcting, if I did I would be here for another day, at least.

While setting up my last batch of 6 13x19 prints up, I finally got the error of empty ink. So I go lift up the lid and notice all 8 ink cartridges are shining red (1 really flashing (empty) and 1 slowly flashing (really low)), well that's great, low ink all around! Time to go replace this Unicorn's blood!

I have been using sticky tak (that blue sticky stuff) to stick my prints to the wall, and I have so far used 3 6"x1/2" strips of the stuff, there is just a bloody large number of prints I've been hanging. Still have 2 more strips and have around 40 more prints to get up. Just counted and I will have 105 prints on my wall by the end of the night. =)

I've been working on my room, in my room and basement (where our photo printer is), basically all day, for like the last 8 hours, and I'll still be at it for at least another 2 I'm guessing. Hopefully this mother will be done by a decent hour so I can get some gaming in still.

After all this work, I really want a 30" cutter, not a guillotine style paper cutter (they don't cut straight since they suck the paper in, even with a super sharp blade), but one of those ones with the wheel, circular blades. We have a small 11" one and I hate using the xacto knife and cutting mat to do it (cutting mat is only 15" too, not big enough!). It'll be on my wish list when I move out after I graduate and get into a studio. Oh yah, and a huge box of cotton gloves too, I hate touching my prints with my fingers and knowing I can't clean the finger prints off the lovely glossy surface.

Panoramic pictures will be up by the end of the day.

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