In Guatemala

Well it's almost the end of day 4 here, day 3 in Guatemala (the first day was spent traveling and in Mexico City). I have been doing a daily journal for you guys to read though, but have been unable to type it up here because of how long I am planning to make them. There is just so much I want to talk about, luckily I have brough my journal with me and make lists for each day. The first 2 days I get back (minimum of 2), I will lock myself in my room and all that I will do is edit photos and write a blog for each day of my trip.

We have a team blog which you may follow us to see what we do each day (my photos will not be included since the laptops here can't read RAW format and I'm not sinking so low as to shoot jpgs). Although I will be sharing many stories to you guys that would not be included on the blog, for a number of reasons (we've conducted a saying "what happens in Guatemala, stays in Guatemala")

The Blog is:

I have taken around 850 pictures on my normal guy, shot around 100 in film (which I am beyond excited about, you will have to wait to see why), and 300 on my really old digi (time lapses). I'm really glad I picked up that 32gb card, other wise I would of been swamped.  Have only 401 shots left on it, and have a maximum of around 1000 after I fill up this card (I have a 16gb and 8gb card left).

The children are so cute, and someone may have to beat me when we leave, seeing how I will try and bring one of them with me. It's just an incredible experience, and I have decided that I will dedicate much of my life towards these kind of amazing journeys. This one blows my other Mexico trip out of the water, no contest. One thing I do know, is this feeling, it is really what I am meant to do. This is my calling, this is what I am meant to do in my life, no doubt about it. I've always sorta felt that way, but it's just a feeling that you can't deny, you can't argue against it, this is the total truth. The is the way to my happiness in the grand scheme.

I'm online for like 10-30mins a day so if you see me online say hi, I would love to chat to some lovely people. Oh and by the way, there is no time difference between here and Calgary, many people think there is, but nope.

Well I'm going to get back to this 25+ degree weather (even when it rains!).

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