right now i want

it to be 20 degrees outside
to be laying under the stars in a field with a dear friend
to raise questions about the last year of my life
to make better work
school to be over so i can go on photo-gen-x
to be on the roadtrip i’m going on this weekend
to bounce ideas off you
to learn more
to be able to be ok with less
to cuddle
know if i can really talk to you
know just how much you’d trust me
to know just how much you miss me
to be on the receiving end of a hug
to be able to fall asleep



Well in the last 2 weeks I've been trying to get a blog post done, as you can plainly see, it hasn't been finished. I don't know, maybe once school starts again, I'll start blogging. There's just too much to write about I guess. I'm sorry for the let down.

I'd rather explain my life, struggles, and issues at the moment over some tim's, wouldn't you?

So go ahead and ask me, I'll make some plans with you friendly people.
(If you're out of the city, we can plan a skype date, ok?)


Video work to come.

I'm planning to do some video work during the rest of the summer. Now that my 365 is wrapping up, I'll need to put my time into something else creative. Now that I have some 'L' glass, that also helps too. Going to Sylvan Lake on sunday and I plan on shooting quite alot there, well mostly on the way up. I'm excited as I haven't really shot video for video's sake, well, like ever.


Reckoning Day, well actually just the evening.

To start it off, I was suppose to go to a info meeting on this marketing job based around the pyramid scheme, but on the way to the train station I remembered that I had lost a little foot clip for my flash last night. I knew approximately where it was and even though it's only like $12 to replace, it wouldn't hurt to go look for it for a second. When I found it (yay!), any part of me that wanted to go to that meeting to go learn more just disappeared. It was as it just melted away, almost like it was never there at all. It was just the strangest feeling. I then realized that I hadn't been wandering and just enjoying nature for myself in quite a while. For the last month basically, I've always been with a friend while adventuring. Not that I don't thoroughly love each and everyone of those adventures, I was always getting distracted while having conversations with them. So tonight I took to myself, I didn't have any set places I wanted to go, a time to be home by (although in bed before midnight would be nice). I just let myself go and my mind wander. I guess my brain needed a wander because it's been bombarded lately. I just haven't been giving it a rest as of late and it's been slowly eating me away from the inside.

Here is a 14 page text sent to a friend trying to describe how I felt this evening (context is that she asked why I didn't go to the meeting and after I found the flash shoe and I answered).
"Ya, but I ended up not going. I ended up just sitting (and still am) in babbling brook and reading The Screwtape Letters. It's a book by C.S. Lewis, my dad said it was a great read and it turns out to be quite interesting. Um I'm not entirely sure. I'm in a strange mood I guess right now. Not happy, yet not sad in any way. Or maybe it's a mixture of both. I don't really know how to put it into words. Like I felt something in me told me not to go. I felt like I needed to catch up with god I guess. It's all so strange. Like I want to drown out the sounds of the city and just scream and cry. But not in anger or sadness. Just to get old  shit out and have room for more good. Like there's just a lot of shit that I just want to get out I guess. I don't know."

In the end I just got some time to think in a lovely little park in the middle of Canyon Meadows (it's a gem too). Walked home, stopped to watch the lightning storm for a bit, and turned up my ipod on this song.

I just was walking through communities while singing, not with an ounce of fear in my mind of what people would think. It was like the calm after the storm, but in my head. I was at peace. There is still much to get out, but it was a good start.

I see many good conversations coming up.


In Guatemala

Well it's almost the end of day 4 here, day 3 in Guatemala (the first day was spent traveling and in Mexico City). I have been doing a daily journal for you guys to read though, but have been unable to type it up here because of how long I am planning to make them. There is just so much I want to talk about, luckily I have brough my journal with me and make lists for each day. The first 2 days I get back (minimum of 2), I will lock myself in my room and all that I will do is edit photos and write a blog for each day of my trip.

We have a team blog which you may follow us to see what we do each day (my photos will not be included since the laptops here can't read RAW format and I'm not sinking so low as to shoot jpgs). Although I will be sharing many stories to you guys that would not be included on the blog, for a number of reasons (we've conducted a saying "what happens in Guatemala, stays in Guatemala")

The Blog is:

I have taken around 850 pictures on my normal guy, shot around 100 in film (which I am beyond excited about, you will have to wait to see why), and 300 on my really old digi (time lapses). I'm really glad I picked up that 32gb card, other wise I would of been swamped.  Have only 401 shots left on it, and have a maximum of around 1000 after I fill up this card (I have a 16gb and 8gb card left).

The children are so cute, and someone may have to beat me when we leave, seeing how I will try and bring one of them with me. It's just an incredible experience, and I have decided that I will dedicate much of my life towards these kind of amazing journeys. This one blows my other Mexico trip out of the water, no contest. One thing I do know, is this feeling, it is really what I am meant to do. This is my calling, this is what I am meant to do in my life, no doubt about it. I've always sorta felt that way, but it's just a feeling that you can't deny, you can't argue against it, this is the total truth. The is the way to my happiness in the grand scheme.

I'm online for like 10-30mins a day so if you see me online say hi, I would love to chat to some lovely people. Oh and by the way, there is no time difference between here and Calgary, many people think there is, but nope.

Well I'm going to get back to this 25+ degree weather (even when it rains!).



This is the feeling that made me lie to you
This is the feeling that made me cheat on you
This is the feeling that made me break up with you
This is the feeling that made me do the stupidest things I’ve ever done with you
This is the feeling that made me want to be more
This is the feeling that made me understand you less
This is the feeling that made me want to be by your side
This is the feeling that made me sleep with you
This is the feeling that made me want to punch you in the face
This is the feeling that made me want to be a better friend
This is the feeling that made me understand myself more
I tend to hate this feeling, but this feeling has made me learn much about myself


listening to: Boxer - The White Feathers
feeling: an ocean of emotion

I lay awake, my mind racing.
I can't fall asleep, for I can't get you out of my head.

I can't get many thing out of my head.
I am being overflown with thoughts,
Of the past, the present, and the future.
The doors have opened and the water is rushing in.

I am scared, unsure.
Maybe I'm not good enough,
That I can't bear your burden with you.
If I'm can't, I will hurt you, as I have hurt others,
I don't know if I can handle that again.

I look all around me, my walls are covered with pain.
As I look through my past, I see all the brokenness.
It's all coming back, my greatest fear turns out to be what I'm best at.


memory lane

listening to: Coconut Shells - Damien Rice
feeling: scattered 

i now recognize why and know how everything that happened, happened.

i should of looked upon the past a long time ago

it now all hangs on my wall as a reminder
of why i am where i am
of all the good that has happened
of all the people that let me down that road
of all the people that helped me out
of all the people i let down
of all the people that won't ever know it all
of all the people that actually know it all

but also so i don't let that shit happen again


So basically used all the 13x19 photo paper in my house, the glossy stuff that is. Did around 15+ prints today on 13x19, and did 17 5x7's. I ran out of glossy (ya finished off 3 boxes, not totally excited to tell my dad how much paper I used) with only 1 print left to do, so I went over to go pick something new out of our Fine Art paper. Yah that was a bad idea, I tried this Epson Vellum Fine Art Paper. Rich black's were no where in sight, now I remember why I don't use this stuff. All I can say is 'Yay for stock printer profiles and color calibrated monitors!' Didn't have to do an ounce of color correcting, if I did I would be here for another day, at least.

While setting up my last batch of 6 13x19 prints up, I finally got the error of empty ink. So I go lift up the lid and notice all 8 ink cartridges are shining red (1 really flashing (empty) and 1 slowly flashing (really low)), well that's great, low ink all around! Time to go replace this Unicorn's blood!

I have been using sticky tak (that blue sticky stuff) to stick my prints to the wall, and I have so far used 3 6"x1/2" strips of the stuff, there is just a bloody large number of prints I've been hanging. Still have 2 more strips and have around 40 more prints to get up. Just counted and I will have 105 prints on my wall by the end of the night. =)

I've been working on my room, in my room and basement (where our photo printer is), basically all day, for like the last 8 hours, and I'll still be at it for at least another 2 I'm guessing. Hopefully this mother will be done by a decent hour so I can get some gaming in still.

After all this work, I really want a 30" cutter, not a guillotine style paper cutter (they don't cut straight since they suck the paper in, even with a super sharp blade), but one of those ones with the wheel, circular blades. We have a small 11" one and I hate using the xacto knife and cutting mat to do it (cutting mat is only 15" too, not big enough!). It'll be on my wish list when I move out after I graduate and get into a studio. Oh yah, and a huge box of cotton gloves too, I hate touching my prints with my fingers and knowing I can't clean the finger prints off the lovely glossy surface.

Panoramic pictures will be up by the end of the day.



listening to: Yellow - Coldplay
feeling: unfulfilled, tired, happy, and a tad sad

my throat is dry, yet my mouth is moist

i am thirsty, but drinking these liquids doesn't help
my stomach is sore and doesn't want more

yet all i want to do is drink, something, anything
it doesn't matter as long as this thirst is quenched.

what are you trying to say to me?

i long for your water, i want you to fill up my cup again
i'm running dry, trying to fill up on my own isn't working

i need you again, so please, fill me up


Conditions of Dancing in the Rain

I promised a friend that we will have a dance together in the rain. Not just in any rain though, so we made some conditions that must be met for us to actually run to each other (we live very close to each other so running is very appropriate, since rain doesn’t always happen on our time together) and have our dance. You are welcome to follow these guidelines if you so desire.
  1. It must be pouring out, heavy big drops, enough to be classified as a torrential downpour. None of this spitting, girly light showers. You should be soaked to your core by the time the dancing finishes.
  2. Too much wind is an issue, a little wind is ok. You want to enjoy this dance, not be worrying if your fingers are going to fall off, since they are so cold.
  3. Location of the dance isn’t that important, just make sure you are out of the way of any potential traffic. You don’t want to have to move out of the way of a car in the middle of your dance.
  4. Store electronics, like your phone, in a safe dry place, preferably indoors. Your mind should only be focused on the dance and not having to worry about your iPhone getting wrecked from the water.
  5. Make extra sure to enjoy the moment, it will be one worth remembering. Don’t let anything get in your way of this special memory.
Now go out there and share a dance with an special someone in the rain. It’s Spring, the season of renewal and lots of rain is coming your way.

Where is the Guilt?

listening to: Sigur Rós' discography on repeat (thanks to dear Celine for reminding me of them again. I was lost in finding an artist to listen to while writing this)(click the link to learn how to say it properly)
feeling: content

Well I don't really know where to start; I just plan on covering a lot in this post.

Well to start it of, this last week and a bit have been absolutely wonderful. Everyday of break has been fun. Even the weather compliments that fact as well. I have been making plans with many of my friends who I have lost contact with over the last semester and it brings such joy to my heart that I shall see them all again. I am putting off starting work until May so I can fit all the time I need to hangout (don't tell my parents though). My tan is already starting to come back to me, even sunburned the back of my neck on the second day of break. Life has been good to me as of late.  My heart has been filled with joy and I wish my every week of my life was this much fun.

Well if you know me, you know that I tend not to get angry or moody. I am a bottler of those emotions. The worst part about being a bottler is that when something opens the door to those emotions, they all get out at once. When that happens, I haven't been able to really describe why I get sad or angry. Since whatever sets those gears in motion would never get me that moody. It's a horrible trait to have, I think, I have said things that I wish I had not said and have done things I would have never if I were in the right mind. Until I learn to actually deal with it better though, it's stuck with me. I know that it has much to do with how I like to always please people and with how I always avoid confrontation. Instead of actually bringing up the point with the person, I just store it somewhere in my body and ignore it. Last night was one of those moods and I don't know why I was like that, maybe it's about me getting my hopes up and then having them slowly crushed (it's not that person's fault at all, nothing they could of done about it anyway). It could have been a number of other reasons as well but I can't point the blame at anyone or anything other than myself for being a bottler. Every time I do empty that bottle of all emotions, I get back to thinking about a Nooma video. Number 16 in the series, Store (yes I have talked about this video before but I shall talk about it a little differently this time, not to worry. I just know how much it applies to me). Rob Bell is talking about our anger. Not just our surface anger, it’s the anger that we keep down and hidden away. It's exactly the type of anger that I get every once in a while. He uses the example of a guy who flipped him off in traffic and tail gated him for a while with a look of sheer rage on his face. When traffic started spreading out and Rob thought he'd have some fun with this. He was going to smile when the road-ragger passes him. When he pulls past he doesn't even acknowledge that Rob was there, he just looks straightforward. It can easily be seen that rage wasn't from 5 minutes ago, that guy was angry long before. It's true; we see this so often in our daily life, yet we just shrug it off likes it is not that big of deal. Yet this is the anger that gets us in trouble, we don't know what to do with it. So we take it out on strangers or the ones we love. It's impossible to avoid, we all get angry, it's just one of our emotions that we must deal with. Anger leads us to places; I want to learn how to direct my anger that is not selfish. I want to be more like Jesus, to get angry at the injustice of the world that I live in. It will be a long and hard road to travel upon, but it's a road I want to travel. In the end, I will be a better person, someone who I want my children to look up to. The first step for me is to learn how to bring up the small problems that happen in daily life and to not be scared about talking with my friends about them.

A few days ago I had coffee with an old friend from high school who is going to school in Vancouver to become a Youth Pastor. I have only seen her once since high school, which was at the last new years party i attended. So we basically haven't sat down and talked for 2 years basically. One point that we talked about really brought me home. I was asking if she had ever read a book called Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. She said no, so I started explaining it the best that I could (seeing how I haven't read it in almost 5 years, I did pretty good. Although I am going to search for it again so I can read it again. It applies to me now, more than ever). What the book is about Donald Miller in his young adult years and his struggles to find a church that fit him. He talks about his journey through church after church, finding out each time that they didn't fit his spiritual needs. First of all, I can't stand when people talk about a church like a building. Any place can be a church; you could be in one without even knowing it. A building can't make one closer to god; it's all about community. It's the people that are around you that make a place a church; they are the ones that challenge you. A building can't challenge you, it can't show compassion or support, it can't care for you, ask you how you're days been, pick you up when you have fallen. It's just not possible for a place to do those things, that's why it makes me upset when society labels a place a church. You don't need material to be able to worship god, nothing can connect you to god, that connection is inside of you. You can't see it, you can't break it, and it is there and will always be there.
The word Church comes from ancient Rome, in the days of Caesar. When Caesar would conquer a new place he would give them the choice to worship him or to not worship him. If your answer was no, you would be crucified. If you did agree and acknowledge that Caesar is your savior, your town or village would become a place of worship to Caesar. The places were refereed to as, in the Greek language, Ecclesia. Translated to English, Church. The earliest Christians took this word, used by Caesar to show his military might, to describe their gatherings. Where they confessed Jesus is Lord. It was actually quite ingenious of them to use this military propaganda to send the complete opposite message (Thanks to Rob Bell for his history lesson in Nooma 15, You).
The problem for me, is that I am not challenged by my church as a whole, right now I can't refer to much that goes on there. The people are great and everything, but I've felt much more connected at other places of worship. I am going to start the process of finding a new church soon. I want to feel guilty when I sleep in or miss it by accident that guilt is just not there. I want to enjoy going and not feel forced by my family. Youth was the only thing that connected me to the church and since that is now gone (those people that are reading this will know why, but there are also a few who don't know, you might find out one day, don't try and force it though). I am left alone, lonely on the side of the road. I really want to travel to different areas of the world and see what their 'churches' are like. I've seen the very traditional, contemporary side in Italy and England, but I want to see how my generation does church around the world. I love how some of young adults are doing it here in Calgary and it just makes me want to see more. Maybe one day, I'll make a sweet documentary out of it afterwards too, for the people who are just like me. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about how cool that would be.
Rob Bell describes what a Church is perfectly. "When your around people like this, you have the sense that in some way, you've been with Jesus, that is Church." Those people are the ones that challenge you, that make you question, the people that make you feel like god hasn't given up on the world. That's the kind of church I want to be apart of.

This past Thursday I had my last 1on1 meeting with my teacher. This was for our Photographic Technology class and the class I enjoyed the most. I came out with my best work in that class and it challenged me more than the other studio classes we had this semester. During this meeting, we didn't talk about any of my work at all, but rather about me. This teacher is the most blunt teacher we have and we absolutely get challenged in his critiques more than all our other classes combined. We get so much feedback out of the critiques, and we don't accept any shitty feedback that you'd normally get from your friends. If you don't feel like you could of improved your work by the end of the critique (or even hate it) then you are the most stubborn person I would ever meet. I really impressed him this semester which the work I was bringing in and that made me so proud of myself, since the class we had with him last semester, I just wasn't showing up (I was physically there but my work just wasn't up to par). We started talking about medium format cameras (he showed me some absolutely sick student discounts on new medium format cameras) and was showing me different models. He was asking me if I was bound on anything about the camera. I said square format, but also for the option of a waist level viewfinder (you can view the viewfinder when the camera's at your waist, you aren't bound by having to hold it up to your eye to see the picture). I started using medium format to try new things, but also to slow down my process. The more and more I used it I realized that while I was slowing down, being able to have the camera at my waist, I was able to keep both my eyes open. I was able to be aware of my situation, I could absorb my surroundings. Compared to my dSLR (my Canon), I was able to let my mind breath, to step away from the camera itself. That's the point he brought up with my work, it was the final 10% that I needed to put more attention into. Like how I present it, how I talk about it, how I can see the small details that can be adjusted for my work to shine. For my work to improve, I need to not only slow down, but also to step away and breathe. Give the piece a rest, come back a day later and look at it again with a fresh mind. It really talks about myself as a person, I can get so excited with something that I forget small little details. It's funny how my work really relates to myself as a person in ways I had never thought about. Yet I can easily see why that is, when we put work up for a critique, you can almost always point out everyone work without having seen them put it up. The style, the treatment of light, even how the model looks. I love having opinions from an outside source, the people that don't really know you. You may not always like hearing them, but sometimes they can be so bang on, it can surprise you. I've progressed so much in my work, even looking back to last semester, I can't even imagine how far I'll get in the next couple years.


a definition of me

i make mistakes, i am 19, i love cute things, i am strong but am afraid to hurt people, i love things that make me feel alive, i procrastinate too much, i love hugs, i enjoy spreading my happiness to strangers, i hate losing friends, i love moving to the beat, i am not pure, i am continually getting lost, i am over optimistic, i love walking, i love the smell of rain, i love getting it all out, i am special, i have adhd, i love walle, i love getting close, i love provoking thought, i enjoy hiding when i blush, i am always worried what others think of me, i create originality by imitating others, i am getting further and further away from my family yet i could never be where i am today without their help, i try to not get in anyone's way, i am selfish, i am lonely, i am disconnected, i love cuddling, i love to help others, i bottle my emotions, i am scared of losing friends, i know what is like to have no one, i want to grow up, i am excited to have a family, i want to love someone with all my heart body and soul, i enjoy a good chick flick, i live in the moment, i love making spontaneous plans i sing to songs that i don't know all the words to, i love making my friends feel loved, i am too trusting, i am blessed, i am a miracle child, i enjoy getting the real problem out of people, i enjoy standing with my feet together so i take up the least amount of room, i hate disappointing my parents, i hate understanding but not being able to explain, i am a rambler, i am scared to stand up for myself to someone higher than me, i wish to live near a forest when i get older, i hate burdening people, i love getting compliments yet i don't like dwelling on them in face to face conversations, i feel the need to be accepted by people, i am scared of getting on people's bad side, i am not that good at explaining myself, i want to learn to step up and actually do it, i hate some of the things my parents think are bad for me, i absolutely love whispering hi when i am right next to someone, i love smiling big enough to get double chins, i am scared of trying new things, i don't like forced change, i enjoy attention but hate the spot light.

that is as far as i have written in my little note book, but it is updated weekly with new things.


right now

listening to: This Conversation - The Submarines (on repeat)
feeling: sick to my stomach

i basically feel so bad right now i want to vomit
i fucking hate this
this was this last thing i needed right now, i've got way too much work
even though there will be lots of fun things this weekend it may as well be the worst weekend of my life


I'm going to read the book of Job tomorrow. Lets see where this takes me.

Also like to just say I love you guys a heck of a lot, I feel like I don't tell you guys that enough. I'll try harder to know that I appreciate all you that read this, since obviously you care about me.


Please pray, I'm way too stubborn to ask for help, so this is all you can do for me.
I just don't want to go through this again.


If you only had one blog to follow, follow this blog


This guy is giving away $10 everyday to strangers and blogs the background story about that day.

Next couple weeks

I've got some really sweet ideas that I'm going to be shooting and am super stoked for them. I bet it's going to be some of my best work yet. Won't be posting most of it for a while (waiting till after critique is done in our class) but I'll post it somewhere were people don't check (ie my classmates).
This shit's going to get real, hope you guys are ready for it. Hope I'm ready for it really.


Double Exposures

I'm going to explore my inner self with double exposures this weekend, I'm excited


Way to go friend.

Don't you just love it when your straight up ditched and then the same person lies to you face a couple days later about not coming. Even when one of your friends said you were both coming.
Yah, definitely saw you there.


The Waterfall

The tears are running down my face with no end in site.
These are not tears of sadness nor regret.
These are tears of happiness, I have some of the best friends in the world.


I live in a Gray Room

Now repeat

I love when musicians just sing their heart out and you can tell. Really reminds me of Glen Hansard and that can never be a bad thing.
Plus it's fun to just go outside and just sing your soul out with them. If you ever need a smile on your face just go do that, it is actually quite relieving.


Guess my mood is based on the weather lately. Yesterday was just not up to par and I felt like total shit and today was beautiful out and I was happy as a bird.

Funny the things that happen in sync with each other.



Final put a title on my tumblr, it just came to me at the end of a stupid rant, but I really like it

Pictures and two line songs from the heart.

It just feels right to me


Family Portrait


         I did a family portrait for one of my classes,
         I got a depressing truth


It's so hard to get out of my head
Its hard, so fucking hard
Please pray for me



What are you trying to tell me
Can you show me your way today
I am left wide open for you
I am in need of you


Today I felt alone
My soul is tired
oh well


Losing it

I’m losing all motivation to continue my 365
4 Days away from day 200, and I don’t even feel like posting them. efff
Probably a bad idea to shot some of those shots on film that I still need to go process by myself, ugggg.
Not looking forward to that or figuring out the dates of them either.
Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.

Life Lesson

When your happy
Smile with your heart


The goal by the end of the summer

Hasselblad 501cm + Carl Zeiss 80mm Planer 2.8
 Phase One  P21 Digital Back
It will probably take off almost 1/2 of my entire summer earnings (weddings that I'm shooting are not included in that amount yet, although it will still take a huge chunk) and you know what? It'll be worth every penny. Neither of these models are set in stone in my mind, and by the time I actually order both of them, I'll be constantly checking ebay for used ones for cheaper prices. I'll basically be ok with anything used that is 16 megapixels and under $5000. Also I have to be super careful about buying the Hasselblad first (since I plan on doing that once I get a check for a wedding I'm doing in September) since Digital backs fit on only a few or 1 model of Hasselblad.  For the people that actually buy these new, take amazing care of them, since it is quite a large investment. Breaking one of these is the equivalent of smashing your car. Also spending $2000-$3000 is always better then spending $4000-$5000 on the same item (while in the P21's case $5000 on an items that cost $11000 new)!


He found me today, when I needed him most.

Listening to: Resurrect Me - Jon Foreman
Feeling: Tired beyond belief/Wishing you lived much closer

Well over the the last 4 days, I have maybe had free time for approximately 3 hours. All the rest have been me working my ass off for school midterms and deadlines. In the last 2 nights I have had 4 hours of sleep, I have had no free time at all and because of that I have been getting super stressed, tired and angry. Not just grumpiness that people experience when they don't get enough sleep, I get mad.

If you know me, you know I don't get angry, like at all. For the people that have seen me angry or have been on the other end of it while I am angry, they can usual say that I am definitely over reacting. It's true, I do over react, that because I don't get angry over things that other people do. I keep it all inside, too worried about me bothering other people with my anger. So when I do get that anger out, the thing that gets me angry is never what I am actually angry about. It is anger spread across so much of my life, so many things, building up for so long, too long. I don't even need all the fingers on my hand to count how many times I was really angry last year, two times to be exact. That's just how often my kettle boils over.

In this year already though, in fact in these last 7 days I have been really mad twice. I can already tell this year will be an angrier year for me than last year.

Today was one of those days.

In fact I was so angry I was just going to post a blog that's title was just going to say "Fuck this shit" as a title and then "I'm going to bed" and that's all I was going to say.

I have left school really late both days this week (9 yesterday and 8 today), I've literally spent over a day at school, inside, no breaks (worked over both lunch hours), in the last 2 days. I finished my work for the next couple days today though, thankfully. To most people, happiness is the feeling that would come over them and for the first glorious 15 minutes, that's all I felt. The stress had totally faded, a smile was on my face again.

Things started going down hill fast from there. As I was walking onto the c-train platform, I thought about a friend and how happy they were right now. For some reason, maybe some amount of jealousy came out of it, because I know that I can't be that same way right now, but I got like really mad. Just walking down the platform, just this rage filled my body (although I did see some guy with his pants down in the parking area right beside the northbound track, wanking off, just in the middle of that little road, like what the fuck buddy, get a room. There was like 30 people on the platform other than me as well, it was just weird. ok side note over now), it came out of no where. About something I would never get angry about, maybe sad at some points in life, but never, ever angry.

On the train I was just listening to my top rate playlist and some of my top top favorites came on, but not even a smirk broke onto my face. It felt like nothing was going to get this feeling out of my body. All of a sudden, while changing songs, a song came on. A song normally I would just skip, and have been skipping for the last 7 months, it's the song Ocean by the John Butler Trio. A song I had listened to almost everyday of the last 3 summers (which is probably why I skip it, it's not a top favorite either), in the morning at the leaders meetings at the camp I worked at (or on my ipod this last summer since we didn't go to the regular leaders meetings). It was like our daily devotional song, our boss would read us a posting from some Jeszuate (probably crapped on the spelling of that word lol) monks that would post some deep things on their internet site daily.

The weirdest thing happened as soon as he started playing his guitar, the angry just left, all of a sudden. It was as it just evaporated from my being and had moved on. I wanted to start crying (but being on the train and all, well we can say that would of been weird for the least), this sense of peace had just come over me, as if my soul was cleansed of all the junk I've been putting up with lately.

I finished listening to the song and right away started to watch the number 16 Nooma Video, Store (this is exactly why they will be always be on my ipod, for times like this). I have seen it many times, but when I can directly relate to what Rob Bell is talking about it hits me that much more. That's what we need to learn the most, a spiritual reference, something we can relate too. In this video (other than the happy music) Rob is talking about anger, bottlers, and essentially just getting mad at things. I won't get really into what he talks about (this blog post is turning out to be really long already and I need sleep), but he references a place in the bible where Jesus get's angry at some religious leaders because they do not want Jesus to help an injured man because it would break one of their religious laws.  Jesus' response to them is 'Well which is better, to do good, or to do evil. To safe life, or to destroy it" to which leaves them speechless. He called out the hardness of their hearts and that leaves them with no answer. He then looked around at them with anger and then told the injured man to raise his hand and Jesus heals it. The cool thing about this, is that in the original language this story was told in is the Greek language and when it talks about Jesus' anger it talks about it in the Aorist tense. It talks about his anger is a temporary feeling, it comes and then it just leaves. Everyone gets angry, even God. Bell brings up a cool point, "would you rather follow a god that gets angry, or follow one that see's all the injustice in the world and doesn't get angry". It's a cool thought huh.

I guess it was like what had just happened to me, my anger came and then I was reminded of him and it left. I wasn't distracted from it (otherwise I would still be mad), it completely left my body. Its weird though, that our of a song used for devotionals that I never got much out of, hit me during a time when I needed to be reminded of whats worth getting angry about.

I then proceeded onto watching number 20, Shells. Which talks about business of our life's when we don't need to be, but do because we are addicted to it. I feel that sometimes I choose to be really busy sometimes, and mostly I am. This does not always mean with school, but also hanging out with friends or gaming for me. We push God aside, saying we'll get to him later, I want to do sometime for me right now. That has mostly been the story of my life, pushing him aside. I have gotten exponentially better as of late thanks to a few inspiring friends and have been setting time aside everyday for the last couple weeks for him. A cute story in this Nooma film is when he is talking about a time when he and his family are walking along some beach and his boys are collecting sea shells. They spot a starfish floating not that far out and one of his sons just gets a look on his face that say 'IT'S MINE!' His son runs out to get it, but then stops, while his family are yelling out at him to go get it. He goes further and stops and Rob asks him why he doesn't go get the starfish. To which his sun replies, "But my hands are full of shells".

I just love hearing this story over and over again. Also the message behind this is so important, we are so busy that we say no to things, but first we must say yes to something else. In the last couple days I have had my hands filled with shells and have been putting everything aside to do work. He found me today when I didn't try to find him because I had said yes to something else already.

How many shells do you carry, or more importantly, how many shells do you to put back in the ocean so have room for that starfish?

PS. If any of you are interested in seeing any of the Nooma videos just ask me sometime and I'll hook you up.


These Marks

These marks on my back
They remind me of all I have done
The faults in my life
Past mistakes
The things that define who I am

I am not proud of them
Most of the time I would wish they went away
As if they would just rinse away in the shower
Never to be seen from again
Forget them but never deny them
For I do not deny who I am

I am so blessed
That god cares too much about me
To know to not care about these marks
Because he knows me inside and out
He does not need any physical reminders of my faults

He loves me and you unconditionally
He cleanses me
Making me pure when I ask him to
It is like the marks are none exsistant
We don't deserve it at all
We are so unworthy
Yet he agape's us anyway

I hope I can love my wife and children even 10% of how much he loves each and everyone of us.
Remember that Agape needs no reason. If someone confronts you about you loving them, you don't need to make a list of things you like, nothing physical can ever describe exactly why you do. 'I just do', if they can't accept that then they just don't understand.
Don't question the feeling, just embrace it. You can never fake it or push it, it is always genuine. If you have to question it then it isn't genuine, it is a feeling you just know, you don't have to question it. Ever.


love is

Knocked Down

Listening to: Chicago - Sufjan Stevens 
Feeling: Around friends but feeling lonely

Well that wall is gone now, maybe I'll act but I don't want to push.
I just don't want to mess it up. I just wish there was an easier way.

It wouldn't be nearly as worth it if it wasn't so hard to start in the first place.



Listening to: Awake my Soul - Mumford and Sons
Feeling: Awake, but bored

there is beauty in everything
in the dead branches of this tree
in you
in me

open your eyes
open your soul
the loveliness of life
and truly living
will make you whole

beauty comes
abandon all you know
you will be free
to see

to live

to be."

From one of my flickr friends, chanelle


Little Lion Man

Listening to: This lovely piece
Feeling: Tired but really happy


Almost There

Listening to: Almost There - The Album Leaf (From their new album suckas!)
Feeling: Zombie-like, but really happy and looking forward
(Yes I know, I'm totally stealing your idea celine, it happens)

Today was the very first day that I was able to have a conversation, a normal one, with my old girlfriend without having one of us start an argument. It took 4 months for it to finally happen and you know what? It was actually quite lovely. It was great to be laughing again with her, while sharing some really funny stories. I'm glad I can still call you my friend.

It feels so fulfilling to live for today, not living in the past, and not too worried about the future.

I'm alive because you allow God to use you

If you watch only 1 of these videos, make sure you watch the first one.

The title was a quote from the film at 3:43, and it's one of my favorites. Not that I can relate entirely to all the text before it, but I can relate to this line. There are only a handful of people in my life as of recently, who I can say this to and if I sent you here then give yourself a pat on the back, your one of them, because of you, I can truly say I am alive. You have done either something small or big that made me change the way I am living, from my life that I thought was spiritually fulfilling, but was more dead than alive, into a torrent of grace that has been let upon me. Thanks so much, you are such a blessing and I wouldn't trade any of you for the world.


untitle until i can describe my view on my life

check it, wreck it

my new tumblr (well i've had it for a long time but never posted anything)
I love this jazz, I feel like I can say stuff there were i can't anywhere else

Ok this made me laugh

i hope it did for you hp lovers as well


I'm glad I can now say "You really have"

I just was questioning a friend who I had cut out of my life for the last 3 months, if she had friends who held her accountable, who challenged her in ways she needed to be challenged in because she had totally lost hope.

I just remembered a conversation I had last year with one of my closest friends, well actually it was more a text fight (didn't live in the same city at the time). My friend raised the question during the fight, "How have I affected your life, you have never listened to any advice I have given you". It was true, and the fight ended with that comment.  It didn't really hit home with me back then because all the advice she had given was through text messages over miss-communications (which is the only reason why those fights started and I'm really glad we don't fight anymore). I'm glad that if she ever asked me that same question I would be easily able to respond "You sure have, and your advice has hit home with me more then any other person in my life".

With that said, if you need to give advice to a friend, try your best to take your friend out for coffee or something that makes it face to face (I know you can't always sometimes you can't because of distance, but for every other time). Make the advice personal, and not from some cellphone LCD screen.


The Little Things

We need to slow down, to embrace the little things. Blur your vision while you enjoy the small things, the fine details. I been slowing down lately, after having experienced the 4x5 camera, I've been taking my time on everything now, even my eating! The digital age has made us selfish to get results of everything, faster and better. It is slowly killing us faster than we normally kill ourselves. We think we can survive on less sleep so we can work for longer hours. I've been trying my best to go to bed at an actual reasonable hour lately, midnight is reasonable for me. It might not be for you, but I'm used to 4-5 hours of sleep a night, so 7 hours is a good start to a better life.

I challenge you all to take your time with everything. To just slow down, it was hard to do it originally but now my body's gotten much more used to it. This does not mean to be lazy, but to recognize god's beauty all around. Me and my friend celine took a few pictures of a bush yesterday for over 15 minutes. It was a bush like any other bush around there, but we just slowed ourselves down (I slowed her down without telling her, complete success, she didn't have a clue, although she probably just thought I do this all the time although I don't) and saw things we would of never noticed otherwise. Like a single strand of some stranger's hair which was intertwined in the bush and covered with frost, it camouflaged almost perfectly within the branches although it blew in the small breezes.

(This next part does apply mostly to myself and the lesson's i've learned but it's good to just try these things out)

So slow down, embrace time, the little things. Really taste food that than gobble it down, if that means you can't talk with the person your eating with than so be it. Silence is golden, take it when you can because we don't get nearly enough in our lives. Enjoy music for the suttleness of the lyrics and sounds rather than just having it on in the background. Pray more, but also listen more, to God and your friends, because it's not always about you. Explore new places and stumble upon little city getaway's, but never run away from reality. Never hide (unless your playing hide and seek) who you are, but believe in yourself and who you are. Don't let the worry of people judging you determine who you are because it will control who you will be, your real friends will and always will love and accept you for who you are, not someone your not. Don't live your life in a lie, you are only lying to yourself. Learn how to say no and if friends offer to go out of the way for you to learn to accept their gratitude. Never make assumptions about friends if the info isn't from the source. Always be open to new ideas, change happens and you can do nothing to stop it, accept it. Never play with another person's heart, but also don't let someone play with your heart, if you are having that happen to you, get out now. If it's not going to work now don't let it go on for any longer, you'll only get hurt more. Don't be afraid to try new things, you may find a new love. Love the unloved and love unconditionally. Remember that God and your parents will (or at least should) love you no matter what and most importantly that agape needs no reason. No matter what you do you can be forgiven and be cleansed of all your shame.


The Further I am, the closer I get

As of lately I have been more in touch with god I have found. I have never prayed so often in my entire life, and not just the lame meal pray, but about my friends and things I can't do on my own. I find it ironic that when I'm not involved in anything at camp or my church that I am actually closer to god (not jumping to any conclusions though).

My mom told me a while ago that one of her friends told her that Satan go for the people that are having the most success with their spirituality.  So the closer you are to god the more vulnerable you really are.
I've been searching for him lately and I think I've found him, in my friends. I've still got much to learn and my friends are teaching me (if they know it or not).

Love you guys lots.


No When, No Wants, No Worries

Stumbled across this while being bored in my photoshop class, I found this really cool.
"Q. What is the meaning of "no when, no want , no worry"?
A. I was watching 60 Minutes
and they were visiting
a tribe of gypsies
who live in the
Andaman Sea in
Southeast Asia.

They are called
The Moken
and they spend 70% of their time
on the ocean.

They all survived the tsunami.

They saw it coming cuz
they are super in touch
with the ocean.

The interviewer asked
one of them how old he was.
He didn't know.

He asked why none of the gypsies
knew their ages.
The interpreter said it's cuz
when you live on the water
all day
time does not exist.
There is only now.
The moken don't have
a word for "when".

They also don't have
a word for "want".

They either *have* or *need*.
but they don't know what it is to 'want'.

No when. No want.... No.... ?

That's right.
No word for "worry".

No when.
No want.
No worry. "




So a couple of days ago I was talking to a really good friend just seeing how she was doing. She had just lost a good friend of hers who had been murdered. She had told me that this had happened but I didn't judge how close they were, I just assumed that she was just a classmate. I was just seeing how see was doing and hadn't remembered about this incident and she got really angry and I got a little defensive, which wasn't the best idea. She took quite a lot of angry out of me, and I'm usually I can handle a little rage aimed at me but not all about me. This time was the first time I had seen her this mad and it actually caught me really off guard.

I asked her if she needed me to do anything, and the last thing she said was to show her a little compassion. That didn't catch me off guard, I expected that, but I just had nothing to say. I don't know why I couldn't really say anything other than that I would be praying for her, but I was just totally speechless. It might off been that I was still a little shook up from before, I might of been waiting for an apology, I don't know.

I did apologize right after and a couple days later for my attitude but I still felt like crap. I just can't explain or know why I feel this bad. I wish I could realize what I've been doing or done that is making me feel like this.

While searching I found this verse:
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
 Help all of us follow the unseen rather than the seen.

Your a great friend Christina and you're continually in my prays, I hope only the best for you and I care so much about you.


I listened to this song last night while trying (and failing) to go to sleep and I just started crying uncontrollably. I don't know why but I couldn't stop.

I hate this


Good Day ends up with a bad mood

So yesterday was the opening of our first gallery opening and it turned out to be a major success. I even ended seeing my piece of work that I was showing which is the ultimate compliment to us artists. It was a long time setting up for almost the entire class (the ones who actually cared to help) even if it was mostly last minute. The last piece even got put up literally 5 minutes before the show officially opened!

Although I got home at midnight after declining the offer for a night on the town because I was so tired, the day was really fun and good. I just uploaded a much needed for a playlist for a friend in need but I was just in a really bad mood. I still can't figure out why I was so mad, life is good. I just hate being in this kind of mood without knowing why.


I heard a voice in my mind

He will take you.
If you run, he will chase you

'cause He is the Lord.


Wrong Path Helping me Lead in the Right Direction

The last year was a total roller coaster ride for me. I made some amazing memories with some of my best friends that I'm so grateful to have. Although when I look back on it and basically the rest of my life I can see what I was doing wrong. My priorities where never set straight and I had never made any real attempt to do so. In the process of that I had never talked to anyone about my priorities. I had many chances to do so with the people that meant the most to me, but since I had never talked to myself about these things I would of never brought it up with friends.

The things that defined who I was and who I wanted to be, I was almost too much of an optimist for my own good and thought I just wouldn't have to bring up these thoughts. I always thought that one day I would do it but only until near the end of last year, by it was already to late and I had gone down the path I never really planned on going down on. Yah I totally fucked up, but I feel like that was the push I needed. Yes it probably is extreme but when I think about it know I'm grateful and have no regrets on my actions. It was the spiritual 'kick in the pants' I needed to find out who I really am and will be.

Because of those actions I am already taking more actions to learn more about I need to learn about and one of the first things was to start reading a book by my favorite speaker and pastor (i wish he could go to my church, that would be sweet), Sex God by Rob Bell.

One of my favorite parts so far is in the first chapter in a section titled "When A "She" Becomes A "That". It was so powerful to me I got off the train (because I only read on the train because it's 30-40 minutes of just my time, no distractions) and sat on a hill at 5:30 after class and just laid there for 30 mins thinking, praying, and crying. If it wasn't so cold and getting dark I would of stayed for longer, and dinner was waiting for me at home. Bell starts of by talking about what happens when "a woman, an image-bearer, a carrier of the divine spark, becomes a "that"." He's talking about when a man looks a woman in a very shallow way, where he only looks on the outside and what he can get out of her and has no care for whats on the inside. That is a basic description of what looking Lustfully upon someone means. For myself, calling someone 'hot', just has always felt wrong. It's demoralizing to the person in question and even more hurting on the person who's saying it. You just look at the outside of them, and then judge them on that. With calling that you are hurting yourself in ways of that you significantly limit the people you could have a totally healthy relationship with. As the old saying goes 'You can't judge a book by it's cover', which is essentially what many men don't do when trying to meet someone at a bar or club. Which is why I hate going to clubs without a group of close friends, also the fact that no matter what you do it's just a waste of money.

Before this I had never really thought about lust in any manner and I would of probably said that I try not to do that anytime. When really slowly that feeling was creeping inside of me, building and building over the last year. I was never really aware of it until my closest and dearest friend April pointed out something major and has been one of the things that has shaken my life the most. It was that one time I did wrong, I had been doing it for a while. It had never occurred to me at all and I had planned to just never think about it or talk about it with anyone.

Well that plan failed miserably and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What my life was missing was that person that knew all my wrongs, someone that could hold them to me in only the most caring way that someone should. A true friend, one to hold me accountable, for the little and big things. Someone to smack some sense into me when I reflect upon the what-if's of the past when there is no possible hope.
Love you a frickin ton April and care about you even more, thanks for caring about me so much as well.

As an another friend put it "the only problem with that was you had to fuck up to realize who you are, which is fucked up in itself" which is entirely true. But you only realize that your doing wrong when your told what is right. I just had to fuck up big to make the big changes I need to help lead my life in the right direction, the direction that God wants me to go.


Gives me goose bumps

Thanks to my friend celine for sharing this with me. I've fallen in love with it, it needs to be shared.

And yes april I am still in the process of posting the post your waiting for



This song always gets me going and I just love the banjo


I Have Missed This Happyness

A couple of days ago I was helping a close friend through some relationship problems that she needed help with and after she went to bed I just giddy with joy for the rest of the night. I haven't been this happy since September, like even the next couple days were so good for me. I didn't even do anything for a day and I was still doing really great, it was so great.

I have missed being this happy because it feels like I just haven't been myself. But now after helping and talking my friend through some problems, I feel like I have totally let go of her. Which was the last step too just clear myself of that relationship for me. I can move on with life and I won't and don't look back upon the past and the 'what ifs' or 'could haves'. I'm glad this has finally happen because I'm the old self of who I really am, the guy that's smiling all the time and doesn't let shit hold him down.

So I'm coming back and I've been loving life and looking to get all I can out of it.